Welcome to Dr. Rowen Riverspring's On-line Herbal Health Catalogue Special's page. Thanks for coming. In addition to his work as a poet, Dr. Riverspring has spent twenty-seven years in the herbal community, building a business based on our shared needs for healing and service and caring. In an ongoing effort to expand that community, Dr. Riverspring offers these monthly specials:
Wise Owl
Gives you concentration, energy and wholeness! Increases thinking powers and sense of balance! Makes work easier for everyone! May also relieve arthritis, depression and blood problems! 100 pills=40 doses. Each pill contains 525 mg Dandelion, White Willow and Barberry. REGULAR: $18.99--SALE--$16.99!
Dove Balm
Gives you gentleness and relaxation! Warms, soothes and calms down! A traditional approach to many feelings of pressure! May also relieve stress, kidney pain, respiratory problems and menstrual pain! 100 pills=20 doses. Each pill contains 500 mg Kava Kava, Linden and Ginger. REGULAR: $28.99--SALE--$26.99!
Lion Heart
Gives you wild, wild amounts of energy! Causes euphoria and increases libido every time! Increases many physical sensations! Dance all night happy as heaven! Makes your skin tingle all over! May also relieve male health problems! 12 pills=2 doses. Each pill contains 675 mg Mahuang extract, Kolanoot and Azaro. REGULAR: $43.99--SALE--$39.99!
ORDER BY PHONE: 1-800-MY-GOOD-PILLS OR BY EMAIL (We have many more products in our complete catalog, including general well-being, culinary, cosmetic, pet products and many, many more, so please call. Also, Dr. Riverspring welcomes any and all customer feedback that allows us to provide you with the best in alternative health.)
Please note: The products sold by Dr. Riverspring have not been tested by the FDA. The references to health benefits on this page should not be taken to mean that these products can treat specific problems or medical conditions. It is quite possible that these products will do more harm than good, and Dr. Riverspring urges you to consult a real doctor if you have a real health problem--at least that's what he's required to say by law. In truth, though, in his heart, Dr. Riverspring believes that these products are very, very good for you. "What is law?" says Dr. Riverspring frequently, "but an artificial boundary between woman/man and herself/himself? Who make these so-called "laws"? And why? And who says we must live by them if our hearts say otherwise?" Ever the poet, Dr. Riverspring encourages you to THINK FOR YOURSELF AND LOVE WITH YOUR HEART.