A film treatment

Bill leaves Memorial Hospital in downtown Albuquerque and meets up with Doc and Jeanette. Doc has been sleeping with Jeanette the whole time that Bill has been hospitalized for a self inflicted gunshot wound that has left him partially blind with only peripheral vision in one eye. Bill learns that the mobile home that he and Jeanette were living in has burned down and that Jeanette has lost her job at the clinic. Jeanette suggests that they leave the state because the suspension of her nurse's license will not carry over outside of New Mexico

They withdraw their bank accounts and spend the afternoon at a rest stop after giving blood for money. Drinking beer and already lightheaded from the blood loss, they laugh over the circumstances of their reunion and decide to go to Denver. They climb into in Doc's car which will be their home for awhile.

Doc drives towards Utah as Bill and Jeanette fall asleep in the backseat. As the sun rises, the car passes through the red rock canyons of Moab and, after Bill and Jeanette wake up, an argument ensues with plenty of drinking and loud talk. Jeanette wants to move on and find work. Doc, who is a severe alcoholic, wants to go to Nevada and hole up. Bill wants to trip in the canyons.

After a lot of drinking, they end up tripping. Wandering far from the road, they stop in a deep side canyon. Jeanette begins to speak of cattle mutilations, black helicopters, and unidentified reflections in the daylight. Bill talks about the wound and its implications of expansion from the assassination of Kennedy onward. Doc's hemorrhoids drip alcohol-thinned blood down his pant leg. He begins to speak of the kundalini flow of oppositional energies through the structures of bodies, engines and government. Convinced of his own argument, Doc wanders out into the desert while Bill and Jeanette continue the discussion of the wound. After a few hours, Bill begins to look for sunspots.

Out in the desert, Doc hears gunshots and feels hot licks from scrub brush scraping against his legs. Seeing the blood running down his legs, he thinks he is being shot at and runs back to Bill and Jeanette. Jeanette has become drunk and swollen from mixed drug reaction. Bill has lost more of his vision from the sunspots. Doc is too paranoid to drive any more. Bill drives them to a motel even though he has only eliptical night vision.

At the motel, a snooping manager who recognizes their trip-trash comes to their room with his girlfriend and some beer. The five of them drink all night. In the morning, the manager offers Jeanette a job nursing his sick aunt.

Two months later, while in Albuquerque collecting Bill's Medicaid check, Jeanette finds Doc in a bad state under the tree where their reunion had taken place. The blood bank wouldn't take his blood anymore because of its alcohol content. His hemorrhoids are really bad and he has become a street person. Bill and Jeanette are doing pretty well. They decide to take Doc to a motel. After a long night of drinking and smoking and free movies, Doc falls over dead from alcohol poisoning. His last words are: "Why don't we all just fuck each other."