Guillermo Tell                         William Tell 

Guillermo Tell no                      William Tell couldn't 
comprendió a su hijo                   understand how his son
que ya se aburrió                      could tire of having
de la manzana en la cabeza.            an apple placed on his head.

El se puso a correr                    The son ran away
ye el padre no mas dijo pues           and his father complained
como iba entonces                      how was he supposed
probar su destreza.                    to show his dexterity now?
Guillermo Tell, tu hijo creció, William Tell, your son quiera tirar la flecha has grown up and now le toca a el probar he wants to shoot the arrow. su valor usando tu ballesta. It's his turn to show what he can do with your bow.
Guillermo Tell no comprendió William Tell didn't el empeño understand how someone pues quien se iba a arriesgar else might risk shooting a tirar con esta flecha. that arrow. Y se asusto cuando dijo He got scared when el pequeño ahora le toca his little boy said, al padre "Now it's your turn to la manzana en la cabeza. put the apple on your head."
Guillermo Tell no le gusto William Tell didn't like la idea the idea and he refused y se nego a ponerse to put the apple la manzana en la cabeza. on his head. Diciendo que no era que He said it wasn't that he no creyera didn't believe him pero que iba a pasar si but what would happen sale mal la flecha. if the arrow strayed?