nfected by the bourgeoiscocci virus, I suddenly felt that I must upgrade my home environment to prepare for meetings and writing sessions with collaborators. Previously, all I'd ever had was a bunch of mismatched, broken crud from the street.

ake, for example, my ten-year old, hand-me-down sheets, which were covered with For two or three hours a day, I went out to department stores, discount stores, bed & bath specialty stores. I had to learn to differentiate between run-of-the-mill 180 thread count poly blend, 250 thread count Pima cotton, and 350 thread count Egyptian damask. It was bewildering. I began to lose my objectivity.

nce I had touched nice sheets, how could I not want them? How could I not deserve them? They would kiss me to sleep at night. They would, I knew, make my

feel cherished.
I couldn't afford them, but suddenly, I wouldn't settle for anything less.