Elizabeth Margoshes
Once I got a phone call.
The woman on the other end said,
"Is this Elizabeth Margoshes?"
I said, "yes."
She laughed and said, "This is Elizabeth Margoshes."
It turned out that her name was Elizabeth MargosChes
(I don't have a c in my name).
She was calling from Washington DC where she is a statistician.
Here's how she found me:
I had had a date with someone.
He never called me again.
Then she met him at a dance.
She got his number,
then later that week,
she called him and said,
"Hello. This is Elizabeth Margosches.
Would you like to go out on a date?"
or something to that effect.
He, not remembering the name of the
woman whom he'd met at the dance,
thought it was me, panicked,
and started questioning her.
Then he realized that she was the GOOD Elizabeth Margosches,
and they both laff laff laffed ha ha ha ha!
and she got my number and called me!
I hope they're both dead now.

More Liz!!