Music by Kymm Serrano
here's something about redheads. I don't know what
it is, but for some reason red hair provokes. It
makes little boys run up and scream in your face
"Eww. Your hair is RED!" It invariably causes
postal men, panhandlers, truck drivers and 8th Avenue winos alike to yell
"Hey Red," as if it's gonna garner them a smile (or a quarter).
You'll get neither a smile nor a quarter
from a redhead with that line.
Another infamous line that we redheads of the female persuasion
have to hear all the time is
"Hey, are you a natural redhead?" as the conjecturer's eyes make a
beeline for your crotch.
That line ensures that you are never,
ever gonna find out, mister. Granted, your life is
dreary and your need for color I can understand,
but we redheads are tired of being reduced to a fetish,
a crotch,
a challenge,
a mystery to be solved.